Peace Be Upon You, 


A Young Geoscience Lecturer from 

Universiti Sains Malaysia

What's New...

Vacancy: PhD Position in Tropical Cyclone Research

Assalamualaikum and Hi all. I am looking for a PhD student. If you know anyone that interested, please do let them know and give me a shout. Thank you! Continue reading...

Article: M_Map Mapping Toolbox For MATLAB

If you are a research student in the field of geoscience, oceanography, or remote sensing, then you're no stranger to the challenges of processing complex data and translating it into meaningful maps. Continue reading...

Activity: Ocean Physics Internship Program

I recently had the pleasure of hosting two groups of internship students, from University Teknologi Malaysia and  Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia.  Continue reading...

Article: Free Online MATLAB Courses

If you're already have the access to MATLAB and want to dive into learning it, this article will help you to kickstart your journey. Continue reading...

Article: Introducing MATLAB

If you're a university student eager to explore the computational programming, you might be in luck. Continue reading...

Article: The Concept of Taylor Diagram

The Taylor diagram is a graphical representation used to assess the similarity between the patterns of variations in different models. Continue reading...

Activity: Internship Site Visits

On the 28th of July 2023, I had the privilege of visiting two of my exceptional students during their respective internships. Continue reading...